Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have received so many Ask Leah questions in the past few days so I am going to try my best to get to all of them... Today's Ask Leah comes from a young lady and her question reads...

Let's talk about sex (of course!) 25 and older... Are we beyond the point of "holding out". Are we old enough to be sexually liberated and not give a
middle finger up, or do people still judge?

Interesting question... For starters this is strictly geared to a 25 and older audience, there does come a point in our lives where sex begins to fill many voids, and we tend to call it being sexually liberated. First we have to recognize why all of a sudden we are eager to jump in a bed with a man and say no strings attached when all of our lives we were raised to believe that our body is sacred. LOL so fast how our morals are thrown out of the window because of a broken heart, stress at work, lack of appreciation in our current relationship or just because we don't feel good enough. I'm sorry to say lady but in 2009 friends are the biggest critics, I say this because as females watch other women blossom in their career fields, or watch them enjoy the blessings of motherhood, or witness their best friend jump the broom a sense of jealously well maybe insecurity comes over them. This is where being 25 goes wrong we're stuck between a rock and a hard place and the easiest thing to do is pass judgement on the friend that's having the time of her life whether she is the club hopper, the gold digger, the dream chaser, or the SEXUALLY LIBERATED. So to answer your question yes we have reached the peak of saying so what I'm gonna do me, but yet and still be careful who you tell for some are quick to judge...

Remember these are just my thoughts

Leah Janell: In My Shoes


Alexx Ivie said...

I believe at a certain age you get this mind set like "We are both adults we both know what we want, lets not play games."
When you're a little younger you have to worry about your peers and the immaturity level of the guys 'kissing and telling' (not like its changed) but that plays a big part of the "waiting" thing.
But now a days 12 years olds are getting busy more than I am. So.. who knows! :)

love you Leah!

Anonymous said...

I feel theres a difference between being sexually liberated and being a cold whore. When you get to a certain place in life where you are seeking to satisfy self and not another than you are content with you and your decisions. I am a firm believer in not allowing anothers opinion to depict who I am and friends may have an opinion but it will be just that an opinion and if they agree or disagree it will be a coversation to be had and lives will go on from there with no judgement attached. When you're young you r more liable to seek acceptance from your peers instead of being your true self and with time comes maturity.

The Socialite said...

I feel like at 25 or older you should not care what your peers have to say about the decisions you make, or let's say, you shouldn't let them shape your decisions. I agree that at a certain age you become content with who you are and what you want out of a relationship. Sometimes sex is all a girl needs (lol).

But you also have to make sure that you are not becoming "sexually liberated" because of all of those factors you listed in the article. Don't just start giving your body away because you are not in a place you want to be. Remember your body is still precious and every guy does not deserve to have you.

At 25 you need to start judging yourself and making sure you are where YOU want to be sexually and in every other aspect. Do what makes you happy....move away from caring about what other's think!

Good article!

Sister Toldja said...

I have to agree with the Socialite on all points here! Glad to see you blogging again, Leah!

Leah Janell said...

Alexx I see your point and its true its extremely sad that we have to monitor who we share our personal business with, but being selective when choosing a mate even for a one night stint is important last thing you need is to be posted on his blog, for the homies to see... We must remeber BOYS WILL BE BOYS...

Leah Janell said...

Sheena I agree with you 100% I feel like friends should support each other and if you see them going down the wrong path SEXUALLY LIBERATING themselves with every Tom, Dick & Harry stop them in their tracks...

Leah Janell said...


Leah Janell said...

Sister Toldja Thanks for the support...

Jasmine said...

I think that as long as people take the neccesary precaution women have the right to do what they want. However, people/friends are very judgemental, but if that person is "a real friend" he/she should not pass judgement because we all have done things that others will not agree about! So, really know one has the right to judge. At the end of the day everyone need's to do what makes them happy!
"Real recognizes Real"...been my quote for years, right L.J.

Leah Janell said...


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