Wednesday, September 30, 2009

She's Rocking Them Thangs Like...

My girl Sheree has finally received "Her Favorite" shades, And shes loving them...

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ask Leah Janell

And So I Creep...

Dear Leah Janell,
My current relationship with my beau of three years has going sour, he just isn't who he use to be. In order to save face with my family & friends I'm hanging in there just trying to make things work. But to make my load lighter I gained a friend on the side. For starters AM I WRONG FOR WANTING TO HAVE A LIL FUN OUTSIDE OF MY DEAD RELATIONSHIP. But here is where my problem gets uglier my SIDE FRIEND just broke the news to me that he has a girlfriend and to be honest I'M JEALOUS, he doesn't want to break things off with me but he thought it would be best for me to know... DO I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE JEALOUS OF HIS NEW FOUND LOVE...

OK lady allow me to be honest, open & down right straight forward... Your love life is only as bad as your making it... I say this because lets take relationship #1 first "Why have things gone sour in your relationship", "what has changed", "how long has this been going on" and "Lastly why are your friends & family so important that you feel the need to make them believe your happy in this situation" You need to ask yourself these questions. If you love your man whole heartedly then you need to open up to him and tell him what you need and if he cant provide that then walk away and keep the friendship. Do I think your wrong for having a side dude hmmm NOT AT ALL nine times out of ten a female is the reason for your mans shift in the relationship as well. But just look at it like this he's screwing her and you and your doing the side guy and he's doing his lady and we're all infected YES IT JUST THAT HEAVY... Jealously is a females trait you cant help how you feel but I would most certainly protect myself in this situation. If your just having fun do it on the safe side...

And remember these are just my thoughts, feel free to share yours...

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Monday, September 28, 2009

Her Favorite

My girlfriend from LA Charamon Hunter has become CEO of her own brand Her Favorite shades.

These sun glasses have been the latest and hottest trend in LA and they are slowly becoming a sensation in NY. Charamon went as far as having her shades in this summers Magic Show Convention and her shades were purchased by Angela Simmons of MTVs hit show Daddys Girls.

The Her Favorite motto is "Something bold, Something new, & Customized for you...

Check Me Out Rocking Mine

Get Your Shades today by emailing the designer Charamon Hunter at

Check out the website for different colors and designs.

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Event Planning 101

This past weekend I attended a baby shower for a college friend and I must say it was upscale, amazing and nothing short of FAB. So here are a few do's for baby shower 101...

The Cupcake Tree has become the latest sensation at baby showers, I love the tree because it allows things to stay clean and neat and pretty much uniformed. DO the cupcake tree...

This was certainly a first for me I loved the miniature baby cradles throughout the venue they were very beautiful, extremely white and brought a sense of softness to the venue... Do the laced down miniature baby cradle.

It wasn't the souvenirs that I was impressed with but it was the tree that the souvenirS hung from that caught my eye. Having your host go around the shower pinning your guest is pretty old school allow them to grab a souvenir and pin themselves.

Several round tables, stand out colors and a view that is to die for... Gotta Love It

Every Queen deserves a throne and this young lady had hers decked out...

I was in love with the table full of sweets, large glass jars with spoons to scoop out your on candy FAB...

Separate section for gifts of course

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Here's another Ask Leah Janell from a young lady out of Brooklyn...

Hey Lady, I've been dealing with an issue for a while and I just wanted to get your opinion. I am one of the youngest people in my office and I am the only African American. My days are often so hectic that I have to have my lunch delivered into the office and I eat at my desk. I know this may sound crazy but do you think it is OK for me as an African American to eat Fried Chicken at my desk and furthermore do you think my co-workers will judge me.

While this is extremely comical its a pretty interesting question. For me I would say everyone loves chicken and no one should have to watch what they eat around their co workers especially in the middle of a hectic day. Here's my suggestion order some chicken that smells great that will even make their mouths water, and get boneless chicken that way you can use a fork and not have to lick your fingers. My bets are someone will most likely ask you where did you order from instead of judging the fact that your young, black and eating chicken. Best of Luck Lady

So whats your take?

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Alexis vs Amber

So it seems Kanyes Ex Alexis Phifer and his current lady Amber Rose were both in attendance at the US Weekly 25's Most Stylish New Yorkers Celebration. While both girls are self proclaimed fashionista's. I am going to let you all be the judge of which one of these girls worked the red carpet best...
Alexis Kanyes Ex.

Amber Kanyes Present

Cast Your Vote...

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have received so many Ask Leah questions in the past few days so I am going to try my best to get to all of them... Today's Ask Leah comes from a young lady and her question reads...

Let's talk about sex (of course!) 25 and older... Are we beyond the point of "holding out". Are we old enough to be sexually liberated and not give a
middle finger up, or do people still judge?

Interesting question... For starters this is strictly geared to a 25 and older audience, there does come a point in our lives where sex begins to fill many voids, and we tend to call it being sexually liberated. First we have to recognize why all of a sudden we are eager to jump in a bed with a man and say no strings attached when all of our lives we were raised to believe that our body is sacred. LOL so fast how our morals are thrown out of the window because of a broken heart, stress at work, lack of appreciation in our current relationship or just because we don't feel good enough. I'm sorry to say lady but in 2009 friends are the biggest critics, I say this because as females watch other women blossom in their career fields, or watch them enjoy the blessings of motherhood, or witness their best friend jump the broom a sense of jealously well maybe insecurity comes over them. This is where being 25 goes wrong we're stuck between a rock and a hard place and the easiest thing to do is pass judgement on the friend that's having the time of her life whether she is the club hopper, the gold digger, the dream chaser, or the SEXUALLY LIBERATED. So to answer your question yes we have reached the peak of saying so what I'm gonna do me, but yet and still be careful who you tell for some are quick to judge...

Remember these are just my thoughts

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I took the summer off from blogging to give myself some time to clear my mind, you know figure out my direction, I often questioned myself "what is my next step" everyone wants to get to the top but there isn't a manual for achieving success. So I spent the summer soul searching, adjusting my look, dating (of course) even taking a shot at using the word LOVE again. Needless to say I'M BACK.

Send any topics you'd like me to discuss to, as well as your questions for Ask Leah...

Will be in Touch

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

President Obama gave the first BBQ on the White House Lawn in history... He invited several celebrity fathers, influential men, and local teen boys. Dwyane Wade, Alonzo Mourning, Etan Thomas, the President of Motorola, the President of Morehouse, and many other men were in attendance.

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bringing the boys to the YARD...

The other night I had the pleasure of going to a chic spot named STANTON SOCIAL, Dinner was served downstairs while the bar lounge location upstairs was intimate yet full of life. I had previously heard about a cute drink called THE MILKSHAKE SHOT, So I eagerly ordered a few... The milkshake shots are a combination of milk shake and whisky, at a small price of two dollars the shots cant be beat...

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Monday, June 1, 2009

On the Come up...

Natasha Day, fashionably known as Mz.Ktoure has been styling for a year now in the Washington Dc Metro area. Originally a marketing major, she has always had interest in fashion. Volunteering as a dresser/ runner, she finally stepped through the door of the fashion industry through interning for DC Fashion Week in the Fall 2007. This lead her to meet the designer Brian Vargas (of Verdette). Working for Brian as clothing line representative and assistant to designer, Natasha found her calling as a wardrobe stylist and pick up the nickname Mz.Ktoure,"The Unsung Socialite" from friends. Not able to afford styling courses at the time, she bought book on styling from previous fashion students and used them for guidance. After a 3 month "break" from styling because of family hardship, April 2009 Mz.Ktoure arose like a Phoenix from ashes to grasp on to her dream. Using faith as a the main tool in her stylist kit, Mz.Ktoure is hitting the fashion industry hard.
See Natasha's Portfolio at
The Stylist...

Her Work

Photos shot by Tony Veloz Photography
Contact Her

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Anton Dickerson Selects Howard University...

The time that so many of us have been waiting for has finally arrived, our question of where High School Basketball Star Anton Dickerson will attend college is answered... On Wed. May 21st 2009 Anton Dickerson made a Verbal commitment to Howard University, the prestigious Historical Black College that is nestled in the heart of Washington D.C.

For my own personal reasons I am invested in the career of Anton Dickerson because he is my youngest brother, it prides me to see him follow in the path that I the eldest of six have laid for my siblings to follow. Anton is not only following my path but he is attending the Alma Mata of our sister Shyah Dickerson (The Publicist). When Shyah heard the news she was excited for her younger brother she stated "He is making the right choice, not just in sport but in education, Howard University Breeds Success...

Five Boro Sports interviewed Anton Dickerson first and this is what he had to say, “It wasn’t a hard decision to make,” he said. “Howard wanted to change the program around, get tough kids from New York. They want winners. Playing time is available, we can come in and just work hard.”

Anton will be joining one time reveal St. Raymond’s guard Tyreak Johnson in coach Gil Jackson’s recruiting class.

The Dickerson Family gives special thanks to assistant coach Elmer Anderson who believed in Antons career since day one, Anderson has never stopped supporting Anton. Elmer told Five Boro “Anton was getting a little antsy about the whole process, we were baffled why he wasn’t getting offers.” Eventually they came. And Wednesday afternoon, Dickerson finally ended the arduous process. It came as a relief, he said, not having to worry about his immediate future or taking calls from coaches who may or may not be interested in his services. He is secure. “I’m tickled to death,” Anderson said. “He’s a kid that worked hard for four years.”

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not one but TWO...

After One last chance for our Girl Jasmina Anema, and thousands of people flooding bone-marrow donor drives, a pair of near-perfect matches have been found for the 6-year-old leukemia victim who has captivated the city. Two bone marrow matches have been found and according to the New York Daily News, if her cancer cells are once again undetectable and either of the donors pass a medical screening, prepping for her transplant will likely begin in a few weeks. Great news for Jasmina and her family!

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finding My Character...

My acting Coach TRACY MOORE MARABLE gave me a homework assignment WRITE A CHARACTER BREAKDOWN FOR YOURSELF... This exercises allows you to distinguish who you are before you are able to portray someone else...

The Character Breakdown of Leah Janell…

If you could name one word to describe Leah Janell, what would that word be…
Sociable, Beautiful, Kind, Loving, loyal, Bitch, Honest, Hilarious, Generous, Sensitive, Supercajafragalistic, Enigma, Boring, Amazing, Courageous, Creative, Selfless, Extravagant, Focused, Swaggalicious, Influential, Fun, Inspiring, Dialectical, Dramatic, Classy, Crazy, Cool, Shot Caller, Fantastic, Silly, Ambitious, Magnificent, Phenomenal, Determined, Bossy, Daring, Over Achiever, Diva, Go Getter, Kind Hearted, Breathtaking, Uncensored, Persistent, Passionate, Blessed, favored, Benevolent, Enthusiastic, Sensitive, Outspoken, Bold…

I often have a difficult time speaking about myself, I mean lets be honest who does not think highly of themselves. I wanted a chance to be honest with myself and others, so I allowed my friends and family share this assignment with me. With one simple question I asked IN ONE WORD PLEASE DESCRIBE ME, and the words you find above are the answers I received. I believe that you are what you contribute to the world, to society, to your community, to someone else's life. Your are the mirror image of the impact that you have on someone else.
In so many ways I consider myself a role model, I am the assistant coach of a cheer team and everyday I am faced with different questions from these young girls for example “How old were you when you got your first tattoo and how old do you think I should be when I get mine.” I know that my response is something that these young girls will carry with them for years to come. I am also a risk taker, there came a point in my life where there was no longer a plan, no blue print to follow, I had to create my own path. I had finally graduated college and accomplished all that my parents had asked of me, now it was my time to find myself. So with a few dollars and a dream I moved to LA and though it was a trying experience I HAVE TRULY FOUND MYSELF.
I am a person of many faces, many traits, and many styles but over all I am ME. A unique individual who is optimistic, and prepared to take life by the horns and ride this thing out to the wheels come off…

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh No He Didn't !!!

After my last post one of my readers wanted me to answer the question "WHY DO AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN GET UPSET WHEN THEY SEE A BLACK MAN WITH A WOMEN OF ANOTHER RACE? For me that was a hard question to answer because I honestly could careless about race. Relationships for me are about so much more attraction, connection, bond, personalities, race seems to be last on the totem pole. So I turned to my followers on Twitter ( FOLLOW ME SHAMELESS PLUG)to get their opinion. One young lady said "IT ONLY BOTHERS ME IF THE MALE HAS BRAIDS OR DREAD LOCKS, OR IF HE IS REALLY DARK SKINNED" Now when she said that I assumed it was because most individuals with dreads are more culturally aware IDK. But when I asked her why she replied because its not like a white woman would be able to twist their locks, or braid their hair, I found that hilarious... I think most African American women look at successful black men who date women of other nationalities as cop outs. But personally I have always wanted to date a man like my father dark skin, great smile, amazing personality, so when I see an interracial couple it makes me wonder why did he stray away from what his mom was like, why wouldn't he want to date a women that reminds him of his mother... Interracial dating can lead to so many questions but at the end of the day its to each is own, whatever makes you happy...

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cooking, Cleaning and Freaking...

I have come to realize that alot of African American men love hispanic women. For the past year I have wondered why I mean is it a long hair light skin thing and if so there are many black girls with those same features so it had to be more than that. So here is my theory the TYPICAL Hispanic female lives by the creed LET ME CATER TO YOU while most African American girls are striving to be Ms Independent. Now there is nothing wrong with either position but we as African American women have to learn that though we are independent and strong we don't have to always wear our strength on our sleeve. We are quick to tell a man we don't need them and where they can go and what we can do on our own. We are quick to say I'm not cooking tonight when a spanish girl understands that when he comes home he doesn't want to hear all the extra sh!t he wants the house cleaned, dinner on the table and some good loving when he's done eating... So I am taking some time to learn about the other side, to learn to submit more, instead of being all about me, me, me, Leah Janell is Cooking Cleaning and Freaking

Monday, April 20, 2009

Never Say Never

Whats the deal my people, I have been extremely busy lately you know twittering my life away LOL... But no really on a serious note lately I have been faced with some challenging situations. You know how when your were growing up and you would say " WHAT! Not me, I would NEVER do that!!! Then as you grow up you see yourself doing just the things that you said you never would do. I remember being 10 years old at my uncles house and he left a budweiser on the table my cousin and I both took a swig, and to our surprise what happened to be my uncles favorite thirst quencher, tasted like the nastiest thing on earth to us. After that experience I said I will NEVER EVER drink alcohol. Low and behold my freshmen year of college changed all of that... But now I want to know what are some of the things that you all may have said NEVER to and then eventually WILLINGLY experienced. Have you ever went back to a guy after he put his hands on you. I mean after seeing RIRI we all said I would NEVER go back to him if I were her. Have you ever dated a married man? Did you pick up a smoking habit. Come on guys whats that one thing that you said you would never do BUT LATER YOU DID IT...

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Thursday, April 9, 2009

#1 Fan...

RiRi who was scheduled to spend one hour with Jasmina decided to stay for the entire day, the two played catch, polished nails and did make up... Jasmina is said the be Rihanna's number 1 fan and was totally excited to have RiRi spend the day with her.

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So I think Jay said it best, all men love a beautiful woman and it makes it all the more better if shes educated and employed. Now take that same chick and put her in Home on Sunday night popping Bottles and dancing on Tables, and on Tuesday night she's across the street at the Pink Elephant doing it all over again. Wed. shes back at it at Kiss & Fly, Thursday Room Service, Friday Mansion and Saturday The Sky Bar... Now let me ask how is this same female perceived. I took a TWITTER survey Today and I received various comments, men are not impressed with a woman who is in a different club every night of the week. Even if this same young lady has her situation together. One of my followers on Twitter stated "I hate it Leah, that is so wack... To be honest I think its shows alot about a female who is always in the club, real talk I'm like Damn Ma you need to sit down..." The end result is men like women who have a bit of mystery to them, and if your always in the club he knows exactly where to find you. Its not the greatest look...

Leah Janell In My Shoes

Monday, April 6, 2009


Last week Lil Mama took the time out to visit our Little Princess JASMINA... I'm sure this was not an easy road traveled seeing as how Lil Mama lost her mom to Cancer in 2008... Lets continue to Pray for Jasmina she is still in desperate need of a bone marrow match.... Visit

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Absolutely FABO...

Somebody Stop Them... Rhianna and her bestie Mellisa Ford look amazing as they arrive in Hawaii LOVE THE LOOKS LADIES... I would say its a KNOCK OUT look but then people would say I'm wrong LOL...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Leaving a Tip...

How Often do you TIP? Once I went on a trip to Vegas and I thought to myself TIPing IS OUT OF CONTROL. We had to tip the door man, and the hotel clerk, and the taxi driver, not to mention the waiters at all the restuarants we ate at. The TIP game in VEGAS was insane. But with that I say if you expect good service employees expect good tips. But who do you tip, when do you tip and most importantly HOW MUCH DO YOU TIP? What surprises me the most is that as African Americans we often go to a black owned establishment and tip lightly but when we go to a white owned establishment we tip more. Why are we not supporting our people as we do others...

The Reality Round Up...

Whats going on my people, I know those of you who are regulars are thinking "WHATS GOING ON" but I'm back, just took a little break, needed to regroup... With that being said, as you all know I am on the REALITY SHOW bandwagon...

Lets Start with T.I.'S ROAD to REDEMPTION...
MTV allowed T.I. to air his community Service project THE ROAD TO REDEMPTION, where T.I. "TIP" HARRIS is making an effort to redeem himself from his past mistakes by saving 7 teenagers who are on the wrong path from facing the same destructive path that he has faced... Week after Week I am touched by the different stories that these teens share. Just watching teenagers live a life so violent and destructive is scary. Their was one story that stood out to me, a young man name Anthony who's step father forced him to stay in a gang. Looking in this young mans eyes I could see that he wanted to live a normal and safe life but out of fear he did what he thought he had to do to stay alive. Each teen had a story, Each story touched me. Just to think T.I. helped 7 teens there are so many more out there on these streets just like them... WHATS YOUR COMMUNITY SERVICE...

Leah Janell: In My Shoes
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