Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Anton Dickerson Selects Howard University...

The time that so many of us have been waiting for has finally arrived, our question of where High School Basketball Star Anton Dickerson will attend college is answered... On Wed. May 21st 2009 Anton Dickerson made a Verbal commitment to Howard University, the prestigious Historical Black College that is nestled in the heart of Washington D.C.

For my own personal reasons I am invested in the career of Anton Dickerson because he is my youngest brother, it prides me to see him follow in the path that I the eldest of six have laid for my siblings to follow. Anton is not only following my path but he is attending the Alma Mata of our sister Shyah Dickerson (The Publicist). When Shyah heard the news she was excited for her younger brother she stated "He is making the right choice, not just in sport but in education, Howard University Breeds Success...

Five Boro Sports interviewed Anton Dickerson first and this is what he had to say, “It wasn’t a hard decision to make,” he said. “Howard wanted to change the program around, get tough kids from New York. They want winners. Playing time is available, we can come in and just work hard.”

Anton will be joining one time reveal St. Raymond’s guard Tyreak Johnson in coach Gil Jackson’s recruiting class.

The Dickerson Family gives special thanks to assistant coach Elmer Anderson who believed in Antons career since day one, Anderson has never stopped supporting Anton. Elmer told Five Boro “Anton was getting a little antsy about the whole process, we were baffled why he wasn’t getting offers.” Eventually they came. And Wednesday afternoon, Dickerson finally ended the arduous process. It came as a relief, he said, not having to worry about his immediate future or taking calls from coaches who may or may not be interested in his services. He is secure. “I’m tickled to death,” Anderson said. “He’s a kid that worked hard for four years.”

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not one but TWO...

After One last chance for our Girl Jasmina Anema, and thousands of people flooding bone-marrow donor drives, a pair of near-perfect matches have been found for the 6-year-old leukemia victim who has captivated the city. Two bone marrow matches have been found and according to the New York Daily News, if her cancer cells are once again undetectable and either of the donors pass a medical screening, prepping for her transplant will likely begin in a few weeks. Great news for Jasmina and her family!

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finding My Character...

My acting Coach TRACY MOORE MARABLE gave me a homework assignment WRITE A CHARACTER BREAKDOWN FOR YOURSELF... This exercises allows you to distinguish who you are before you are able to portray someone else...

The Character Breakdown of Leah Janell…

If you could name one word to describe Leah Janell, what would that word be…
Sociable, Beautiful, Kind, Loving, loyal, Bitch, Honest, Hilarious, Generous, Sensitive, Supercajafragalistic, Enigma, Boring, Amazing, Courageous, Creative, Selfless, Extravagant, Focused, Swaggalicious, Influential, Fun, Inspiring, Dialectical, Dramatic, Classy, Crazy, Cool, Shot Caller, Fantastic, Silly, Ambitious, Magnificent, Phenomenal, Determined, Bossy, Daring, Over Achiever, Diva, Go Getter, Kind Hearted, Breathtaking, Uncensored, Persistent, Passionate, Blessed, favored, Benevolent, Enthusiastic, Sensitive, Outspoken, Bold…

I often have a difficult time speaking about myself, I mean lets be honest who does not think highly of themselves. I wanted a chance to be honest with myself and others, so I allowed my friends and family share this assignment with me. With one simple question I asked IN ONE WORD PLEASE DESCRIBE ME, and the words you find above are the answers I received. I believe that you are what you contribute to the world, to society, to your community, to someone else's life. Your are the mirror image of the impact that you have on someone else.
In so many ways I consider myself a role model, I am the assistant coach of a cheer team and everyday I am faced with different questions from these young girls for example “How old were you when you got your first tattoo and how old do you think I should be when I get mine.” I know that my response is something that these young girls will carry with them for years to come. I am also a risk taker, there came a point in my life where there was no longer a plan, no blue print to follow, I had to create my own path. I had finally graduated college and accomplished all that my parents had asked of me, now it was my time to find myself. So with a few dollars and a dream I moved to LA and though it was a trying experience I HAVE TRULY FOUND MYSELF.
I am a person of many faces, many traits, and many styles but over all I am ME. A unique individual who is optimistic, and prepared to take life by the horns and ride this thing out to the wheels come off…
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