Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Reach for the Stars...

When my BESTIE Jas (The Teacher) called and asked me to come speak to the girls in her mentoring program I thought "of course", I will bring nail polish and make up and make this a total girls pow wow. I asked Jasmine to send me a briefing of the program and the girls in it. She stated the girls all come from rough neighborhoods like we grew up in. They are within the ages of 12 to 14 and for anyone who knows a young lady in that age bracket you know she has just entered the "I KNOW IT ALL, AND YOU CANT TELL ME NOTHING" phase of her life. Still I figure this would be a breeze, I wanted to approach the girls from another angle, my goal was to motivate them, inspire them and most of all encourage them. I wanted them to see that this Project Princess aspired to be all she can be and their story book ending could be nothing short of a fairy tale... As I drove through Elizabeth New Jersey, it took me back to 2005 when Jasmine first moved into her classroom. I remember us getting lost trying to find the school for the very first time. We feared if we turned the wrong corner, the next time you heard about us it would be in the papers. Each corner reminded me of what Brooklyn use to be or of what Brownsville is today. I made it safely to the school and I was highly anticipating meeting THE GIRLS, but first I had to meet Ms. Lee's first grade class. I got so many compliments from "Ms. Lee she looks beautiful" to "Ummm Lady I like your shiny sweater" lol... As the clock struck 3:30 I was called to the stage. I entered the room and there was a female police officer addressing the girls and even though she was talking all eyes seemed to be on me. Nervous I adjusted my posture, fixed my dress, and raised one eye brow to make sure that my face read "this is not a game". The one thing I was not going to tolerate from this group of girls was disrespect, I came with a Mission and I saw fit to conquer it. As I watched one particular girl gain snickers from her peers, from a joke that was geared towards me I thought "she will be my challenge"... The officer took her last Question and then Ms. Lee introduced me. I started off by telling the girls about "THE FIRST IMPRESSION" and how if it wasn't brought forth right it could certainly be the last impression. I told the girls about how their demeanor showed their level of confidence. I did a quick exercise asking everyone to take a look around the room at there peers, then I asked the girls to sit up straight and cross their legs and then I said now take a look around the room and tell me what you see... Next the girls wanted to know about me I told them about my acting career and about what it was like living in California. In closing I presented the girls with letters from some of the most influential ladies in my life "My Friends" I told the girls that these young ladies would now be their big sisters and that they could contact them for encouragement at any time. Lastly I gave out the gifts Shyah Dickerson P.R. at Phat Fashions (My sister) sent bottle's of Kimora Lee Simmons latest Fragrance for the girls, Taylor Cook of Lafayette 148 (Head Designer of L. Janell The line) provided Note Pads for the girls, Brandi Womack of Score Educational Services (Creator of I'm keeping up) provided glow in the dark balls, rubber pencils and balloons for the girls. Over all the afternoon with the girls was a major success I allowed them inspire me needless to say the girls will be seeing me more often.

Thanks to Ms. Lee and School #1 for the opportunity

Thanks for Shyah Dickerson, Taylor Cook and Brandi Womack for all the gifts

Thanks to all of the Big Sisters
Kenya Agunloye
Ena Brown
Shyah Dickerson
Jennifer Holmes
Shantina Mapp
Samantha Miller
Atalie Short
Brandi Womack
Nakisha Williams

Leah Janell: In My Shoes


Anonymous said...

Wow! Really great excerpt, it's always a wonderful thing to inspire young ppl namely young women from women with intellect, aspirations and success. This is wonderful.

Leah Janell said...

Yes maam it was truly a great experience...

WHY IZ H said...


dee. said...

i love it !! n i wanna say thanxx for my big sisters Leah and Shyah.

Jasmine said...

That was wonderfully put! Again, thanks for what you did for them, I truly appreciated it. My girls need to see walks of life from all angles!
Loved It!

Leah Janell said...

No Sweat Jas anytime I really enjoyed myself... I am glad you all enjoyed the post Dee you are always going to be my little sister... WHY IZ H, the next event is this Saturday at Mirrors again please come get inked up...

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