Monday, November 24, 2008

Essence Young Women Leadership Conference... PART III

A conversation with Vanessa and Angela Simmons
Moderator: Cori Murray 

Kenya introduces us to exactly what "The Simmons" Girls Had to say...

So this was a pretty interesting session, I was wondering what advice two young women who were born with silver spoons in their mouths were going to offer to hundreds of college students, recent college grads and professionals about how to obtain professional success. We've seen these two on Run's House, we've seen their home, their cars, the events they attend, their family life and their growing careers and we wonder how the hell they could possibly offer us advice about how to obtain what they have when in all actuality they did not work for it. Vanessa shared her stories of rejection within the field of acting and Angela shares her insight on dealing with negativity in the media. On this day, it became clear to me that their name "Simmons" definitely opened up many doors for them, but they are responsible for maintaining these opportunities. It's one thing to get the job, it's another to keep it!

Leah Janell: In my shoes


Mz.Ktoure said...

Simply Said my dear, simply said.


eclectik said...


Love your blog too


Leah Janell said...

Thanks for the support...

WHY IZ H said...


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