Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Reality Round Up...

Whats going on my people, I know those of you who are regulars are thinking "WHATS GOING ON" but I'm back, just took a little break, needed to regroup... With that being said, as you all know I am on the REALITY SHOW bandwagon...

Lets Start with T.I.'S ROAD to REDEMPTION...
MTV allowed T.I. to air his community Service project THE ROAD TO REDEMPTION, where T.I. "TIP" HARRIS is making an effort to redeem himself from his past mistakes by saving 7 teenagers who are on the wrong path from facing the same destructive path that he has faced... Week after Week I am touched by the different stories that these teens share. Just watching teenagers live a life so violent and destructive is scary. Their was one story that stood out to me, a young man name Anthony who's step father forced him to stay in a gang. Looking in this young mans eyes I could see that he wanted to live a normal and safe life but out of fear he did what he thought he had to do to stay alive. Each teen had a story, Each story touched me. Just to think T.I. helped 7 teens there are so many more out there on these streets just like them... WHATS YOUR COMMUNITY SERVICE...

Leah Janell: In My Shoes

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